Bengbu Life Channel 📺️

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Bengbu radio and television station life channel is a close to the people's livelihood, close to life, serving people's life information, service channels. To advocate high-quality life as the channel characteristic, to sublimate the life realm, enrich the life form as the channel orientation, to display "the beautiful life, has the flavor" as the channel idea.

The program covers people's livelihood services, health care, strong movies and TV dramas, life stories, life information, large-scale activities and other aspects. In the course of channel operation, the characteristics of "interactive life" should be closely followed, the relationship between traditional media and audience should be overturned, the audience needs should be taken as the center, multi-point promotion and real-time interaction should be carried out, and a brand-new multimedia interactive channel should be created. Pearl City for the colorful life of the people to provide a unique visual landscape. Over the years, a number of people in the hearts of the sound of the column, such as: "Healthy zero distance," "super cost-effective," "extraordinary hands" and so on. At the same time, life channel is also responsible for Bengbu radio and television stations of all kinds of large-scale programs live broadcast, recording and other work. News figures, economic figures selection, auto show house show interaction, children's talent show, opera singers and other activities are loved by the common people.

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