Bengbu Culture and Education Channel 📺️

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The cultural and educational channels of Bengbu Radio and TV Station are characterized by culture, education, science and technology, sports and so on, humanistic atmosphere and spiritual temperament as taste, elegance and non-vulgarity as well as high and expensive images.

Target audience: Have a higher cultural quality, have independent thinking ability, good at developing a fixed audience of middle and high-end men. At present, the main types of channels are: Documentaries - the excellent self-made documentaries accumulated in our station for 30 years, such as the international and domestic excellent documentaries introduced in the series of "Image Bengbu," such as "Yuanmingyuan," "The Step of Civilization" Science and Education Films - - Excellent Science and Education and Humanities Programs, such as "Exploratory Secrets," "Man and Nature" Movie and TV Programs - - Excellent Film and TV Works, such as "Daming according to inspection," "" Expedition, "The Expeditionary "Public Service Advertisement Category: A Series of Public Service Advertisements of Socialist Core Values

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