ET today 📺️
ETtoday News Cloud was originally known as "East Sen News Network". In 2011, it made a comeback. With the vision of "Happy sharing and falling in love with the cloud", we will deepen community interaction with sincerity. He was ranked 9th in the “Top 100 Taiwan Websites in 2014” and 1st in the news website.
Eastern Broadcasting Company (EBC; Chinese: 東森電視; pinyin: Dōngsēn Xīnwén), originally called Eastern Television (ETTV), is a nationwide cable TV network in Taiwan that is operated by the Eastern Broadcasting Group, which also operates the online news site ETtoday. ETTV began channel syndications in the United States in 2003 under the name of ETTV America. As of 2007, Eastern Television has sister channels in South America (as ETTV South Central America) and the People's Republic of China (as ETTV China). In November 2015, Eastern Television renamed as Eastern Broadcasting Company.