Nanchang News Channel 📺️

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Nanchang News Comprehensive Channel (a set of Nanchang news channels) is mainly focused on current political news and comprehensive programs, mainly to do a good job in the mouthpiece of the Party and the government.

A set of comprehensive news channels of Nanchang TV Station is to transmit and publicize the principles and policies of Nanchang Municipal Committee and Municipal Government, to report on the main public opinion positions of current political and economic activities of the whole city, and around the "two articles" of garden city construction and economic construction of Nanchang, to comprehensively report on the progress of the people of the whole city, so as to realize the prosperity of Jiangxi in the central region. Since then, it has made due contributions and completed all major publicity and reporting tasks in time and satisfactorily. Many times, it has been affirmed by the leaders of the Municipal Committee and municipal government, and a number of excellent news works have emerged, which have won the national, provincial and municipal news awards.

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