Xinyang Education Platform 📺️

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Xinyang Educational Television 2 produces and broadcasts a large number of columns with educational specialty characteristics, which effectively improves the ratings, has been recognized by the broad audience, and has won many honors.

According to statistics, more than 30 of the programs produced by Xinyang Educational TV Station 2 have won the first, second and third prizes of Henan Province's excellent educational TV programs, and more than 20 have won the second and third prizes of national excellent educational TV programs. For example, character themes such as "For the Olive Tree in Dream - Recording the Green Walker Ye Lan", "Sword Pen and Iron Blood Casting the Soul of the Army - Recording the former President of the Liberation Army Literature and Art Society Ling Xingzheng", "Educational Perspective - Recording the Excellent Teacher Li Jing" and news themes such as "Learning the Spirit of Model Workers, Competing for the Pioneer of the Times - Huang Jiusheng, the National Labor Model Lai won the second prize of national excellent educational TV programs, special topics such as "Pearl of Education in South Henan - Henan Huangchuan High School" and "Teachers Approaching Special Gang" won the third prize of the whole country, and special topics such as "Little Shepherd Boys" and "Girl Girls in Tianzhu" won the silver prize of the national "I Love My Motherland" large-scale campus cultural and artistic exhibition.

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