Yili Kazakh Comprehensive Channel 📺️

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The main channel of the Yili TV station is the "Ili News Network", "Night Report", "Focus on the 15th", "Very Care", "Meet the Screen", "Multiple Prism", "Ganquan", "Golden" Time, "East and North", "Sports Window", "Children's Program", "Consumer Time" and other more than a dozen Han, Ha, Uyghur language columns, programs, and a large entertainment variety column "Good Times".

"Multi-prism" is a comprehensive column of the Ka language. It focuses on the "hot spots" and "focus" issues of minority subjects, and is a column that the Kazakh audience is very concerned about.

"Golden Time" is a Chinese language program. Every year, various large-scale national cultural activities held in our state can be enjoyed through "Golden Time".

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