now Direct 📺️

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Now Direct, the third live broadcast channel in Hong Kong, was launched on December 31, 2016. It was first broadcast in the form of a pilot broadcast, mainly on the Legislative Council meeting and the press conference. Large-scale activities and so on, also has the program revises.

The live legislative council meeting, now live, will broadcast the legislative council meeting on wednesday. In addition to the full meeting, the discussion points will be displayed in the following information section. In addition, meetings of some of the panels will be broadcast. Major news conferences and speeches will be broadcast live on now financial station or now news station, but due to other financial programs or news reports, it is not possible to broadcast them all the time. Only the initial paragraph can be played. Now live broadcast station, now live broadcast station can be broadcast all the time, and can reduce the burden of now news station, now financial station, lest the program overtime or cause news report editing confusion. Now will also be broadcast live within a few days after the broadcast. Live broadcast of the big event now will also be live broadcast large-scale celebrations, ceremonies, such as fireworks display (possibly live broadcast in sync with now news station), the august 1 people's liberation army performance in hong kong, the olympic torch relay, Panda Yingying Lele's arrival in Hong Kong and the following welcoming ceremony.

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