The Robot Contest is a general term for various robot competitions, which generally includes robot soccer games, fire fighting competitions and comprehensive competitions.

A robotic competition is an event where robots have to accomplish a task. Usually they have to beat other robots in order to become the best one. Many competitions are for schools but several professional competitions are arising.

Robotic competitions have been organized since the 1970s and 1980s. In 1979 a Micromouse competition was organized by the IEEE as shown in the Spectrum magazine.

Although it is difficult to pinpoint the first robotic competition in history two events are well known nowadays for their longevity: the All Japan Sumo from Japan, and the Trinity College International Fire fighting Robot Contest.

Other competitions have grown in popularity with the pass of time, being the Robocup and the Robo One two of the main singular events in current times. In parallel companies like Lego and VEX have developed their own branded events and called them leagues, although they function more like individual cups in regional qualifiers with finals.

There is some controversy whether university specific challenges should be considered competitions or more workshops, in general the trend is to open competitions to the public in order to prevent nepotism and improve the quality of the robots competing at the event.

Some organizations have been trying to standardize robotics competition through the introduction of full-fledged leagues with a standard calendar, but the model as been only working in specific countries like Spain where the National League was founded in 2008 and is still functioning.