Yantai Public Channel 📺️

Yantai TV Public Channel sponsored four TV programs: Channel Image Film, Chinese Traditional Opera Collection, Fitness Followme Zhifu News, Fashion in Four Seasons, Urban Meteorology, Five Ring Banners, Yantai News Society, Wide-angle Yantai, which were revised and released on January 10, 2005, and each channel re-entered. The column settings and channel positioning have been carried out to provide more exciting TV programs for the audience and friends, which are more suitable for the taste and needs of the audience.
After the revision, the program emphasizes orientation, strengthens closeness, strengthens service, strengthens entertainment, highlights channel professionalism, strengthens interaction and participation; especially strengthens the quick response ability of news, strengthens human and material resources and equipment, realizes the whole hard disk broadcasting, 0 second error, news live broadcasting vehicle has been well equipped, will be in the future. Urban tour interviews, on-site recording, editing and biographies; daily broadcasting time has also increased significantly, from 750 minutes to 1030 minutes per day before the revision of self-run programs, plus series programs, a total of more than 1400 minutes.